First trip on my own

Wonderful weather. I left Troense and went east. Only a little wind and small waves. I plugged my Mp3 with Stieg Larsson’s krimi in my ears and paddled ahead. Passed The Castle of Valdemar and went close to the coast. After a while too close. Suddenly there were not much water under the keel, in fact so little that I decided to step out of the kayak and go ashore.
I took off my gear, made my self comfortable at the sandy beach and poured my self a cup of coffee. Just perfect. A whole beach just for you alone, a view as far as the eye can catch and the sun baking from above.
These photos taken with self-timer will prove that I have actually been there to day. (If you think this is just a photo of a 17 years old girl taken anywhere, it’s all right with me). Connoisseurs will recognize the big stone seen just above my head. I don’t know how I can prove it’s me ;-). Anyway the trip is certified with 11 km’s on my km.-card.

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